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BIP Step 6

Crisis/safety plan



A crisis/safety plan may be needed if the student’s behavior endangers themselves or others.  If a crisis/safety plan is needed, include information about the following:

  • Any triggers or trauma reminders that staff may need to be aware of, (note that antecedent events for problem behavior are triggers)

  • What the student does during each applicable phase (describe in enough detail for a stranger),

    • Describe any warning signs or precursor behaviors during the stimulation/agitation phase of escalation

  • What staff should do at each phase (describe in enough detail for a stranger),

  • A plan for how you will communicate this information to staff and any other stakeholders,

  • Any other necessary steps and/or strategies.

  • Ensure coping skill acquisition is included in the student’s instructional plan above. 

  • Consider whether or not other types of assessment and/or services may be needed.



For a student with an IEP, the ARC should:

  • Consider whether staff training is needed to implement crisis plan and address this in the IEP (Program Modifications and Supports for School Personnel)

Address crisis plan strategies in IEP (Supplementary Aids and Services)









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