KY Social-Emotional-Behavioral
Resources & Supports
BIP Step 3
Instructional plan for replacement behavior
The Desired Behavior is the ideal behavior you would like the student to engage in instead of problem behavior
Promoting desired behavior often requires skill acquisition of prerequisite skills (e.g., coping skills, academic skills).
Replacement behavior is a temporary, socially acceptable, alternate behavior that serves the same function as the problem behavior or is incompatible with the problem behavior.
Instructional plan should be detailed enough for a stranger to implement. The details should include the exact skill that will be taught, who will teach the skill, at what point related to the antecedent will the skill be prompted or practiced, and how the skill will be taught (instructional plan).
For a student with an IEP, the ARC should:
Consider whether staff training is needed to implement replacement behavior instructional plan and address this in the IEP (Program Modifications and Supports for School Personnel) AND
Consider a goal to increase use of the replacement behavior and include student instruction on use of the replacement behavior (Specially Designed Instruction).